3A Composites is part of Schweiter Technologies, which as an internationally active company, takes very seriously its responsibility to create sustainable value for customers, employees, and shareholders and to be a reliable partner for suppliers and the public. This commitment is evident in all aspects of the company’s business activity. A responsible, dedicated approach is firmly rooted in its corporate culture. Schweiter Technologies has been working towards a sustainable future for some time. The lightweight construction of its products helps to reduce the amount of energy they consume during operation and to cut CO2 emissions. Products from Schweiter Technologies are primarily used in the fields of visual communication (Display), Architecture, Construction, Wind energy and the Automotive, Rail vehicle and Marine engineering industries.
At Schweiter Technologies, sustainability means keeping a watchful eye not only on commercial factors but also on the ecological, social and governance-related aspects of its business activity. Along with its commitment to sustainable and profitable growth, Schweiter Technologies also sets great store by the innovation of eco-friendly products as a growth driver. The ecological aspect of the company’s business involves reducing its environmental footprint through the careful and efficient use of resources and by minimizing risks for people and the environment. Social sustainability at Schweiter Technologies means accepting social responsibility for employees and those living in the vicinity of production sites, as well as for partners in the supply chain. It also entails supporting social partnership projects. This is all accomplished on the basis of good governance and fair business practices.
The approach to sustainability practiced by Schweiter Technologies is guided by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Of these, the focus is on the five SDGs the company can implement most effectively:
- SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
- SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
- SDG 13 Climate action
- SDG 15 Life on land
For more information see Schweiter Technologies Sustainability report.